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10 Ways To Detoxify Your Body Everyday

I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle. Especially now that it has been two months since I have given birth, I am really doing the best I can to eliminate all the baby fats I have gained. Aside from eating meals on time, eating less junk foods and less sweets (though chocolates are really hard to resist! lol), I do little things that can help detoxify my body every day. Listed below are things you can do little by little to start detoxifying your body and live a healthy life.

1. Drink Water.

- Drinking lots of water every day is a no brainer thing, we need water to hydrate ourselves. It is good for the skin and good in cleansing our bodies.

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2. Infused Drinks.

-Instead of drinking soda switch to drinking infused water, it is tastier and healthier. Slice a cucumber and put it in a pitcher full of water, for added scent and flavor add as many mint leaves as you want. Put it in the refrigerator overnight and start drinking it all throughout the day, the next day.

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3. Replace morning coffee with a cup of green tea.

-Green tea is filled with antioxidants that are good for the body. Green tea can actually help lower the risk of cancer and drinking it on a regular basis can also help burn body fat.

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4. Eat Salad.

-Not only salad, but eat food that is high in fiber. Fiber can help control blood sugar and lower the risk of heart disease.

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5. Replace junk desserts with bowl of fruits.

-If you are craving for sweets, eating fruits is a good replacement for junk foods.

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6. Take vitamin C every day.

-Vitamin C drives away toxins from the body.

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7. Breath in, breath out.

-As simple as taking a deep breathe can relieve the body, it will allow oxygen to circulate completely through your system.

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8. Take longer warm baths.

-This is a do-it-yourself hydrotherapy, allow warm water from the shower run through your back and your whole body, after enjoying that really warm bath rinse yourself with cold water for about 10 to 15 minutes, do this before bedtime and you'll probably have a good night sleep. Hydrotherapy helps reduce the production of stress hormones, improves blood circulation and food digestion.

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9. Positive thinking.

-Transform stress into positive emotions.

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10. Exercise.

-Exercising controls weight, it makes the body become healthy physically. It will boost your energy and improve your mood.

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Soap Wrap Manila

Soap Wrap Manila makes handmade bath & body items that are great for gift and event souvenirs. We also supply toiletries for local hotels and  affordable spa products for home and commercial use. For inquiries please contact: +63917 826 9288.

Meet the blogger

Hi my name is Tanya Dela Cruz.

My friends call me Tats, I am a 20-something freelance Interior Designer who used to own the blog Design On My Mind. I decided to switch to this new website to share with you a more grown up and quality content since I am a mom now, and already living together with my boyfriend. In this new chapter of my life join me as I discover a lot of things about myself I didn't know I could do before. I am sure a lot of you can and will relate as I share with you how my life goes in this new lifestyle blog.


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Magazine Contributor

Contributing writer at Depot Home Magazine Issue 1 Volume 5 "A Little Summer Renovation"

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