Pan Fried Chicken Breast With Garlic Tomato Sauce
If you have been reading my blog, you probably know by now that preparing a quick dinner for me and my boyfriend is currently my thing. I can't spend too much time in the kitchen just to make a fancy, well-prepared dinner because in the middle of my cooking Tali will probably be waking up and crying for milk. And of course, we don't want that. So here's another quick chicken breast recipe for you that you can prepare for friends and family, quick food preparation never tasted this good.
Quick Tip: Do the grocery on a weekend and think of all the food you can prepare for the whole week. After buying all of your ingredients for the week, marinade everything that needs to be marinated, put it in a tupperware then stock it in the freezer. This will help you save time.

4 Chicken Breasts
Lemon / Calamansi
Tomato Sauce
Cheese (optional)
1. Marinade the chicken breasts over night with calamansi or lemon with lots of pepper.
2. Pan fry the chicken breasts until cooked.
3. On a separate pot, saute 1 clove of chopped garlic and thinly sliced half onion. Add about 2 cups of tomato and let it simmer. Remove from stove when it's already boiling.
4. Add pepper and half clove of pressed garlic using a garlic crusher. With a garlic crusher garlic-y flavor is more intense, making your tomato sauce have that garlic kick. Make sure that everything is mixed well. This is optional but you can also add a little bit of cheese on that warm tomato sauce and let it naturally melt as you mix.
5. Finally, place all 4 chicken breasts on a serving plate and drizzle as much tomato sauce as you want.
Really quick and easy. No cooking skills required. Try this at home and let me know how it tasted.