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10 Things I Started Doing To Improve The Quality Of My Life

tats best life

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1. Stay away from toxic people.

For quite some time now, I have learned the art of limiting myself to friends who genuinely cares about me. I'm sure all of us have hundreds of friends, but can you tell who the real ones are? How many of your friends are going to be there for you no matter what? Which of your friends are going to stick with you through fun times and even through the bad? Start cutting out fake people and surround yourself with true friends, true friends that you can truly count on. Start with this and you are a step away in accomplishing a more quality life.

2. Understand that there are things you can't control.

Yes, I am a control freak. Guilty as charged. Maybe this is the OC in me where I want everything ironed as planned and wanting everything to turn out perfectly. Now, I constantly remind myself that there are things I can't control and I should learn to accept them as it is. As the quote would say, "Best things in life happen unexpectedly" - Anonymous. Also you can't control how other people will act around you or how they choose to see you as a person. Chances are, people who love's judging you the wrong way are the people who aren't even close to you. Which will lead us back to number 1, stay away from toxic people.

3. Failure is okay.

While I was pregnant to Tali, I became obssesed of wanting everything to be perfect for her. I want to give her a perfect life, perfect house with perfect parents - a perfect family. But I am not perfect, and I have to re-educate myself that people learn from their mistakes. Life is a learning process, and we grow to be better people along the way.

4. Time alone is important.

I've always known the importance of having a time alone, but when Tali came into our lives I felt like I don't have time for myself anymore. Not that I don't like taking care of my baby, but I felt like I was starting to lose myself since all of my time is given to her. I am so focused to Tali that I felt like I'm depriving myself of everything, and with everything that means deprivation of sleep, social life, time to eat and time to take a bath. But now, so far I am getting used with the schedules that I have, and I realized that it's just a matter of time management.

5. Let go of the negative feelings.

If you choose not to let go of your negative feelings, then you choose to have a negative life. Simple as that!

All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence. - Eckhart Tolle, Power Of Now

6. Live in the present moment.

It will be less stress for you when you get to learn to live in the present, because all you have to think about is what you should be doing now, not tomorrow, not the next day, just NOW. Don't dwell on what you think you should have done yesterday, and don't stress on what you should do tomorrow. Live life as it is, plan your day in the morning and if it doesn't go as planned, don't stress, just go with the flow.

"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have" - Eckhart Tolle, Power Of Now

7. Invest time in doing hobbies you like.

No one is too busy when trying to find time to do things that they like. Do things that you enjoy the most, consider it as a self detox. Paint on a canvas, go to the beach, do things you haven't done before, explore, be creative, create something unique, whatever that is if you enjoy it, do it!

8. De-clutter your house and/or work space.

I personally hate clutter! I can't work or simply think clear in a messy space. De-clutter your house and/or workspace for a clear mind.

9. Eat healthy and drink lots of water!

To improve quality of life, improving your health is one of the most important things to do. Eat healthy and drink lots of water, you'll find yourself happier because your body is happy too.

10. Sleep more.

Now that I already have a baby, I really appreciate the importance of sleep. If you are like me trying to multi-task everything, DON'T! Do things one step at a time, and remember that there is always tomorrow to continue what you are doing now. Learn to rest, relax and get some sleep.

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Meet the blogger

Hi my name is Tanya Dela Cruz.

My friends call me Tats, I am a 20-something freelance Interior Designer who used to own the blog Design On My Mind. I decided to switch to this new website to share with you a more grown up and quality content since I am a mom now, and already living together with my boyfriend. In this new chapter of my life join me as I discover a lot of things about myself I didn't know I could do before. I am sure a lot of you can and will relate as I share with you how my life goes in this new lifestyle blog.


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Contributing writer at Depot Home Magazine Issue 1 Volume 5 "A Little Summer Renovation"

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