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Cleaning Hack: Vinegar and Baking Soda

For all of you ladies and few gentlemen who clean up their own mess out there, here are some cleaning hacks with out spending too much on detergents and cleaning agents.

Six months ago I was still living in the comfort of my lola's home, where everything around the house was done for me by hired helpers. I never have to worry about dirty toilets, unmade beds or clutter around the house. But just January of this year my boyfriend and I started living together in a condo we bought and I tell you, things in our house are just all over the place. I wouldn't say that my boyfriend is a messy person (or maybe he is?) but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe men in general are just really unorganized. To be fair, we both share a list of house chores but.. yes there's a but, what's clean to him isn't exactly clean to me, so I end up repeating and cleaning again the areas he already cleaned.

Given that, I figured that I have to step up my cleaning skills. I discovered effective cleaning with the use of vinegar and baking soda, so cheap that you probably already have this on stock inside your kitchen cabinets.


You will also be needing a spray bottle for the vinegar. In some parts of your cleaning you don't have to use pure vinegar, you will have to fill half of the spray bottle with water and then fill the rest of the bottle with vinegar. Baking soda is used as is straight out from the box.

1. Bathroom Sink / Bathroom tiles


Sprinkle baking soda all over your bathroom tiles and bathroom sink, with the help of a wet brush, scrub away until molds and mildew are removed. Focus on scrubbing the tile grout, dark tile grouts are the ones that make bathrooms look dirty. Rinse with water to finish and wipe to dry.

2. Stainless Kitchen Sink


All kitchen sinks are dirty, if you're a heavy kitchen user you would know all kinds of food and cooking oil that go down that drain. Eventually you will notice a different smell coming from the kitchen, and yes that smell is coming from that drain.

All you have to do is sprinkle baking soda onto the drain and leave it overnight. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer which will help eliminate the odor. The next day while the baking soda is still there pour a fair amount of pure vinegar, this will help you clean the parts of the drain you couldn't reach.

Next step is to sprinkle more baking soda all over the sink and scrub away, then rinse with water. With the use of your spray bottle with half part water and half part vinegar, spray away and wipe it to dry.

3. Table Top / Counter top / Surface Cleaning


With your spray bottle with half part water and half part vinegar, spray and wipe all surfaces in your home. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that will kill all bacteria hiding in your house.

4. Walls


Dip a wet sponge in a small container with your baking soda in it, scrub directly on the wall that needs cleaning whether its a stain or a finger print on your wall or maybe kids simply became creative and used your wall as a canvas, baking soda is an effective cleanser for that.

5. Laundry


Add 1/2 cup of baking soda on top of your usual liquid laundry detergents and your clothes will be noticeably whiter whites and brighter coloreds.

I hoped this helped all of you. Aside from the easy cleaning steps I have provided you, it is also cleaning at its finest with out spending too much.


Soap Wrap Manila

Soap Wrap Manila makes handmade bath & body items that are great for gift and event souvenirs. We also supply toiletries for local hotels and  affordable spa products for home and commercial use. For inquiries please contact: +63917 826 9288.

Meet the blogger

Hi my name is Tanya Dela Cruz.

My friends call me Tats, I am a 20-something freelance Interior Designer who used to own the blog Design On My Mind. I decided to switch to this new website to share with you a more grown up and quality content since I am a mom now, and already living together with my boyfriend. In this new chapter of my life join me as I discover a lot of things about myself I didn't know I could do before. I am sure a lot of you can and will relate as I share with you how my life goes in this new lifestyle blog.


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Contributing writer at Depot Home Magazine Issue 1 Volume 5 "A Little Summer Renovation"

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